The Aftermath

Once the battle was won and the Kalaiyyan forces had departed, the Aardra Aaiyyanist King, Queen, Prince Paamaranyaan and Princess Kabilanyaa assembled to greet their saviour (or usurper), and question who he was. Then something strange happened... the young Delviniyan rode up to them hooded and solemn, but when he saw the royal family he felt ashamed and embarrassed that they rejected him many years before. Even though Delviniyan was yogically trained he was still young and immature, and allowed his base emotions and ego to take over. He reasoned within himself that they (the Aaiyyanist household) had rejected him and thus it was not his destiny in this life to remain attached to them. But this was the ego taking hold of his mind, and so Prince Delviniyan rode off back to the mountainous forests before they could find out who he was.

The Aaiyyanist King and the Prince were deeply perplexed by this, and became determined to find out who their saviour was and reward him. The also wanted to fulfil the promise to the Tantric Queen Sironemaniyaa and find the identity of the hooded warrior. They also knew that this was a man of power who might be able to rid the world of the Demon Lord Surapadman that was blocking the link to Brahman - for both the Kalaiyyans and the Aaiyyanists.

The King and Prince consulted the Gurus of the Aaiyyanist schools to then devise a series of tests to find the saviour. They knew from an Aaiyyanist psychic standpoint (i.e. someone attuned to the Universe) that the power of the one who defeated the Kalaiyyans was of such force and insight that it could only come from the Instrument of Brahman: Turappuyan. Thus, they concluded that the ancient Trials of Turappuyan that Seer Janeganianaa discovered 20 thousand years before could be used to determine 'The Instrument'. In other words the Trial of Battle (Ankaamiyyan), Magic (Otikkukaayyan) and Meditation (Arvaarayan), could be used to determine the saviour of the Universe.

In the mountains and forests where Delviniyan stayed with Murugan, the Trials of Turappuyan (Trials to find Brahman's Instrument) was brought to their attention, and Delviniyan decided to seek the truth of his path. Was he 'The Instrument' or another part of the story?